An experienced partner in providing marine solutions to customers worldwide.
Resolve Marine, a global leader in vessel salvage, emergency response, compliance and specialized marine services, has served and supported customers and projects for 40 years. We bring a global presence and local response to every project.Our Expertise. People, technology, experience, and innovation are at the core of who we are and what we do. Our team of salvage masters, naval architects, firefighters, salvage engineers, divers, environmental experts and project managers have completed projects on every continent in some of the most remote locations in the world.
Our Assets. An ethos of continual reinvestment ensures that our fleet of ocean-going vessels, barges, heavy lift gear, aircraft and specialized assets and equipment operate to the highest standards and can be deployed 24/7 from warehouse and depot locations positioned worldwide.
Our Vision is to leave the world in a better place. Our mission is to serve as a world leader in providing safe, innovative maritime solutions. We operate our business based on values of safety, teamwork, excellence, commitment, integrity and creativity.
205KSquare feet of warehouse space, facilities and dock front worldwide
7K+Assets tagged in our global readiness and response system
350+Global employees
100KTonnes of liquid and bulk contaminants removed over the past four years

We're proud that the world's largest shipowners come to us to protect them. You don't get that from good advertising – you get it from a solid track record.
Joseph Farrell Jr., Founder
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