Resolve Marine responded to a grounded cargo vessel, (dwt 12,200, capacity 1,139 TEU) that was pushed against the Port of Tripoli, Libya’s breakwater by a strong storm. After her anchor(s) dragged, the crew could not respond in time to avoid grounding. The grounding caused the engine room to flood and allowed water to enter the cargo hold. Resolve Marine was awarded LOF SCOPIC followed by a challenging operation which included regaining the ship’s electrical power as well as the vessel’s cranes. All Resolve Marine resources were mobilized overseas from Malta. Resolve Marine mobilized its salvage team and portable salvage equipment from the nearby bases. After the vessel was prepared for air pressurization and potential lightering (regaining buoyancy principle), she was safely refloated by Resolve Marine salvage teams and tugs SEA JULIETT and ASSO 24. The vessel was brought into the port of Tripoli whereafter the cargo was discharged and safely redelivered. In port, Resolve Marine completed additional stabilization repairs enabling sea passage to Turkey where the vessel was redelivered to her owners.
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