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Heavy Equipment Removal

Brooksville, FL | United States

Resolve Marine was called to undertake an equipment removal operation at a mining plant in Brooksville, Florida. The task involved extracting 14 pieces of heavy equipment that had become partially buried and submerged in mud due to a pond flooding. This job differed from Resolve Marine’s usual marine salvage operations, and showcases the versatility of how our specialized equipment can be used and the unique skills of our crew to adapt to the shoreside task. 
Due to the flooding, the ground had weakened, making it difficult to support heavy pieces of machinery that would typically be used to remove the partially buried equipment. The crew recovered all the equipment from the pond, and implemented a wash station to clean the equipment following removal from the pond. Altogether, six 740 GC Art Dump trucks, four 773 Off Road Dump Trucks, three bulldozers, and a 774 fuel truck were recovered from the pond and cleaned.  

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